Tokutei Ginou Program

Tokutei Ginou is a visa status or residence permit created so that foreigners can live and work in Japan. Holders of a Tokutei Ginou visa can work in Japanese companies with the same rights and obligations as native Japanese workers.

  • Pengolahan Makanan dan Minuman

    Pembuatan, pengemasan, distribusi, dan penjualan makanan dan minuman. Dibutuhkan keterampilan teknis, pemahaman tentang keamanan pangan, dan komitmen keberlanjutan.

  • Hotel

    Pelayanan akomodasi kepada tamu. Dibutuhkan keterampilan interpersonal, keterampilan multitasking, dan komitmen keberlanjutan.

  • Pertanian

    Penanaman, perawatan, panen, pemeliharaan tanah dan peralatan, manajemen air, pemantauan cuaca, inovasi pertanian. Dibutuhkan keterampilan teknis, pemahaman lingkungan, dan komitmen keberlanjutan.

  • Keperawatan | Perawat Lansia

    Pemberian perawatan dan dukungan kepada anak-anak, orang tua, dan orang sakit. Dibutuhkan keterampilan interpersonal, empati, dan komunikasi.

  • Restoran

    Pelayanan makanan dan minuman kepada pelanggan. Dibutuhkan keterampilan interpersonal, keterampilan multitasking, dan komitmen keberlanjutan.

  • Pembersih Gedung

    Pembersihan dan pemeliharaan gedung, kantor, dan fasilitas umum. Dibutuhkan keterampilan teknis, keterampilan multitasking, dan komitmen keberlanjutan.

Program Details

Additional information to help you understand the Tokutei Ginou program

Tokutei Ginou

  • 5-year contract

  • Standard salary for permanent Japanese workers

  • Paid leave and other benefits

  • Can move to another company

  • Can bring family to Japan

  • Daftar Sekarang

Other Programs

  • 3-year contract

  • Standard salary for Japanese interns

  • No leave and allowances

  • Cannot change companies

  • Cannot bring family to Japan

Tokutei Ginou Registration Flow!

Easy Steps to a Bright Future: Register Now and Seize the Golden Opportunity!


  1. 1. Registration Process
    This process can be done by filling out the registration form and sending the application files by clicking the button below
    Daftar Sekarang
  2. 2. Administrative Selection
    The selection process will be carried out within approximately 14 working days. Applicants will receive further information via Whatsapp.
  3. 3. Psychotest
    Psychotest Test includes logical reasoning tests, verbal abilities, character, and others. The test schedule will be announced further by the admin via Whatsapp.

Training Phase

  1. 1. Japanese Language Education
    This education process will be carried out for 3-4 months intensively every day. Here is our learning syllabus:
    • Meeting 1-5: Introduction to Hiragana Katana
    • Meeting 6-27: Beginner Book Learning
    • Meeting 28-49: Basic Language Learning 1
    • Meeting 50-71: Basic Language Learning Level 2
    • Meeting 72-76: Language Certification Exam Preparation
  2. 2. Passed language & skill certification
    Participants are required to take the language & skill certification exam before entering the next stage.

Preparation for Departure

  1. 1. Interview User
    Interview will be conducted directly with users in Japanese companies via Zoom / Google meet for 90 minutes.
  2. 2. Administrative Documents Preparation
    Participants will be assisted by LPK Seikou Global Mandiri in managing documents such as Pre-Employment, MCU, Passport, Departure Documents (Preparation, COE, E-KTLN, Visa)

Quality mentor!

LPK SGM has qualified teachers to help your preparation process towards your dream of working in Japan to be better. Register yourself now!!

Ridho Riezkyadi Nugraha

Ridho Riezkyadi Nugraha

5 Year Experience

Syifah Safitri

Syifah Safitri

6 Year Experience

Hadi Bunedi

Hadi Bunedi

5 Year Experience

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Tokutei Ginou?

    Tokutei Ginou is a work visa with special skills, 5-year work contract

  • What are the available fields of work in LPK?
    • Kaigo (Elderly Care)
    • Food Processing
    • Building Cleaning
    • Animal Husbandry
    • Fisheries
    • Hospitality
    • Building Construction
  • Minimum / maximum age?

    The age of men or women is the same 18 - 35 years

  • Height of women / men?

    Women at least 155cm, men at least 160cm

  • Address LPK?

    Kampung utan RT 002 RW 029 Kelurahan Wanasari, Cibitung, Bekasi Regency, West Java

  • How to register?

    You can register directly to our LPK, you can register online via our website at the following link here

  • Can nearsightedness join the program?


  • Can junior high school graduates join the program?

    For junior high school graduates, they can, while undergoing training, they will also take Equivalency Program C

  • Is it already a certified SO (Sending Organization)?

    SO, usually for internship program. Meanwhile for available program at LPK SGM, we only have the Tokutei Ginou program, so SO it is not necessary

  • How much does it cost?

    Training fee of Rp. 10,000,000, including 4 months training fee, 4 months dormitory, get 4 modules of study books and already covered one JFT/SSW exam fee, departure fee of Rp. 30,000,000 personal funds of Rp. 35,000,000 using bridging funds

  • When was LPK SGM established?

    Established since 2017

  • Is there a bridging fund?

    There is a bridging fund for departure fee of Rp. 35,000,000 with a house certificate/land certificate as collateral

  • What are the LPK facilities?
    • Dorm
    • Class
    • AC
    • Musholla / Prayer Room
  • Is a dormitory mandatory?

    Mandatory because there are also evening classes, from 8-10 pm

  • Learning hours?

    From 8 am to 5 pm for Fridays until 3 pm

  • Can job matching be done?

    Yes, because there are always many job orders at LPK SGM

  • Is it guaranteed to be hired?

    It is 100% guaranteed to be hired as long as the candidate passes the JFT/SSW exam and interview, because job orders are always available